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Pick out your favorite photo and give it the full Parabo treatment with our new Framed Fine Art Prints.

We focus on archival inks, framing by hand, beautiful hardwood frames and crisp white mats – all to ensure that your memory filled snapshot is the true star of the show.

Read on to learn all about our newest prints (and why we’re so excited about them). Plus, save 20% on framed prints with code SONEW.

Say Hello to Framed Fine Art Prints!

Printed on our tried and true Fine Art paper

That’s right – your photo will be printed on our super thick, archival-quality Fine Art Print paper, to make sure your memory won’t fade over time.

Say Hello to Framed Fine Art Prints!

Lots of choices to fit your style

Framed by hand with sturdy hardwood, our framed prints are available in 2 finishes – Maple and Black.

You can also choose between a 5×7″ print or an 8×10″ print. Surrounded by a 2″ crisp white mat, final frame sizes are 9×11″ and 12×14″.

Say Hello to Framed Fine Art Prints!

Framed by hand with real hardwood

Once we’ve printed your photo with care, we’ll frame it that way, too. One of our team members will follow your print through the framing process here in Madison, WI.

In addition to being hand-framed, each frame is crafted with high-quality hardwood. Our frames include a keyhole for easy hanging, but are also thick enough to stand on their own.

Say Hello to Framed Fine Art Prints!

Ready to hang right out of the box

All Framed Fine Art Prints include necessary hanging materials, including 2 beautiful gold nail and hook sets and an adorable mini level for absolute hanging perfection.

Say Hello to Framed Fine Art Prints!
This means your print is ready to hang (or gift) right away – no extra steps needed.

Say Hello to Framed Fine Art Prints!

See all the options available in the Parabo shop right here.

Then, order up a Framed Fine Art Print of your own. Be sure to show us how great it looks in your home with #ParaboPress.